Welcome to Test Based Nutrition

Stop guessing, start knowing

The game changer for me, was when I realize you can take a small blod test, and verify if your diet works, or not. An apparently simple idea, yet so radically different from anything I knew. It was time to take the guess work out of nutrition. Stop guessing, start knowing.

I help you to live longer, recover faster and remain healthy


This was a no-brainer, my result was 6.1:1, and still, I was off target
— Erik the Primal Swede

Follow these 3 steps to boost your health too


After having analyzed over 1 000 000 + test, through VITAS Analytical Services in Norway, we know that 95% fail the balance test, having an average ratio of 15:1 in Europe, and 25:1 in USA, something which seriously affects our cellular health. We have developed a revolutionary way to adjust this ratio. Simply prick your finger, and get 6 difference measurments, all important bio-markers for your cellular wellbeing


After having pricked your finger, rebalance your ratios with our BalanceOil. Our data shows that 95% of those that use the BalanceOil, achieves a result of 3:1 or better, within 4 months. We also know that only a small percentage of all the omega-3 brands on the market actually works. Therefore, we have chosen to do something differently, we use an omega-3 / polyphenol supplement, which boosts the normal function of your brain, immune system, heart system, cellular divison and muscle function. Take 0.15 ml per kg body weight daily, to rebalance your ratios effectively


With well functioning cells and softer, more flexible, cell membranes, you can now increase your body's ability to take up nutrients from the food you eat. Now you can seriously start to optimize your diet and your nutrition, while also getting more out of your fitness and exercise routine, with clear results, long-term. You have now laid the foundationfor more adventure and movement.

Did you know…

500 milion people…

today are consuming an Omega-3 supplement. Still, 97% fail the balance test. In other words, most products on the market are inferior to the BalanceOil+, costing customers money and time. 

Its about bioavaliability…

The unique blend of olive oil, rich in antioxidants, together with cold pressed fish oil, creates a product that is highly bioavaliable. That is, a consumer can efficiently take the product up into the body, and into the cells. The BalanceTest verify its effectiveness. 

This is how it works 

1 000 000+ tests done!

A major health breakthrough, lets focus on the root cause of illness, not it’s symptoms.